Will the real you, please stand up?

Will the real you, please stand up?

A sacred place to share my rituals,
the latest news and event announcements

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

These famous words are from a woman we like to call a real Lady Leader: Maya Angelou. Because we only have one chance to make a first impression, I like to remind myself of her quote right before meeting new women, business partners or clients.

First impressions matter so much because they happen fast, and once these ‘split second judgements’ are formed, they’re very hard to change. In order to start our new relationships strong from the start, you first have to ‘take a look in the mirror’.

Let’s do a little experiment. First think of the one person you would really like to meet. It might be a film star, the Dalai Lama, maybe Oprah… or just that potential big client you just heard about. Imagine that you got lucky, and got a chance to meet and interview this person tonight.

Then answer these questions:

  • What would you wear?
  • What would you do?
  • How would you feel?

If you’ve got a vivid imagination, maybe you’ve experienced some feelings of nervousness. Recognise how you naturally want to make an effort with your appearance and behaviour to make a good impression? Now, let’s take it one step further: Just for a moment try to step into the shoes of the person you’ve just met. Imagine that you were to meet yourself for the first time.

  • What is your appearance?
  • What is your body language?
  • What is your style in clothing and makeup?
  • What makes you original?
  • What is your message?
  • In other words: What would your first impression be?

Realise that all this happens many times in your day without you even realising it.

Now the big question is of course: Does the image you’re projecting truly say something about who you really are? If not, don’t worry! First impressions can easily improve with a a few minor adjustments. You can think of changing your hairstyle, collect makeup tips for your eye shape to have a more open look, practice your ‘elevator pitch’, or throw in some power poses!

But always remember: in the end, it’s all about how you make them feel!

Mae Belteyn
Sacred Ritualist

Burn out. The to-do list became too long. Because I couldn’t move a muscle, I was forced to ‘follow’ this time. Follow my body. Follow the rhythm of day and night. Follow the dinner schedule of the people who prepared it for me. I thought I was going to lose my mind for sure. And I did.
I lost all the mind chatter saying I had to do this or that, just to feel ‘good enough’. And slowly instead of leading by mind, I started to follow my soul.

Now, think about it. Do you lead? Or do you follow?

I had to dig deep and lie in a bed for a year, just to be able to listen to the soft whisperings of my soul. I felt I had no future. The past was gone too. Completely in the now, my whole being became very quiet. The loud mind chatters softened too. Fortunately, you don’t have to lie still for such a long time, there is another way.

Did you ever dance with a partner who is a great leader on the dance floor?

You can totally lose yourself in those leading arms, floating away on the rhythm of the music. It’s funny how we can find freedom in someone else directing how, and when we move. But at some point the music stops, and you’re own your own again. What to do then? Follow or lead?

During my recovery I was lead to an old, ochre and gold colored temple in the north of Thailand, where a buddhist monk saved my life by reminding me of my destiny. I would love to tell you the whole story one day about how I went bamboo rafting, and how following the wild river ended up being very dangerous. For now, let me just share this: with his message, the monk helped me to Design my own Destiny. I just had to follow AND lead at the right times, just like a dance.

Mae Belteyn
Sacred Ritualist

Watch out for our coming blogs! We will share more on hairstyles, makeup tips, elevator pitches and power posing in the near future! Want personal guidance? Check out our retreat, let us help you to make a lasting impression!

Get your weekly inspiration here.
Let’s find your deepest vision, explore your highest potential and monetize your unique talents. You will change the world!

All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 2017 Mae Belteyn International

Interested in booking Mae as a speaker or ritualist at your next conference, seminar, online or live event?

Are you a leader or are you a follower?

Are you a leader or are you a follower?

A sacred place to share my rituals,
the latest news and event announcements

“Destiny is like a dance. Sometimes you lead,
sometimes you follow.”

This quote I wrote after a period in my life when I had been working very hard, trying to fulfill my destiny. Studying for good grades, working long corporate hours, and being a ‘good daughter’ too. It took me far. Until I became ill.

Burn out. The to-do list became too long. Because I couldn’t move a muscle, I was forced to ‘follow’ this time. Follow my body. Follow the rhythm of day and night. Follow the dinner schedule of the people who prepared it for me. I thought I was going to lose my mind for sure. And I did.
I lost all the mind chatter saying I had to do this or that, just to feel ‘good enough’. And slowly instead of leading by mind, I started to follow my soul.

Now, think about it. Do you lead? Or do you follow?

I had to dig deep and lie in a bed for a year, just to be able to listen to the soft whisperings of my soul. I felt I had no future. The past was gone too. Completely in the now, my whole being became very quiet. The loud mind chatters softened too. Fortunately, you don’t have to lie still for such a long time, there is another way.

Did you ever dance with a partner who is a great leader on the dance floor?

You can totally lose yourself in those leading arms, floating away on the rhythm of the music. It’s funny how we can find freedom in someone else directing how, and when we move. But at some point the music stops, and you’re own your own again. What to do then? Follow or lead?

During my recovery I was lead to an old, ochre and gold colored temple in the north of Thailand, where a buddhist monk saved my life by reminding me of my destiny. I would love to tell you the whole story one day about how I went bamboo rafting, and how following the wild river ended up being very dangerous. For now, let me just share this: with his message, the monk helped me to Design my own Destiny. I just had to follow AND lead at the right times, just like a dance.

Mae Belteyn
Sacred Ritualist

Want guidance in designing your destiny? The Flower of Life Navigator™ is a powerful tool which can coach you to that end. Awakened your curiosity? Check out our retreat, we will lead the way!

Get your weekly inspiration here.

Let’s find your deepest vision, explore your highest potential and monetize your unique talents. You will change the world!

All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 2017 Mae Belteyn International


Interested in booking Mae as a speaker or ritualist at your next conference, seminar, online or live event?

The 3-minute boost ritual for stressful times

The 3-minute boost ritual for stressful times

A sacred place to share my rituals,
the latest news and event announcements

“Even when we really want to make new beginnings, there is always a part of us resisting to do so as if we’re making the first step towards tragedy.”

When I am stressed I do this little thing.
If you know me just a little bit, you know what I’m talking about: rituals! I’ve got one for nearly every situation. It’s my way to push reset.

Now, I’m not talking about meditation, healthy morning smoothies or reading inspirational books this time. Those won’t help a bit when you’re protest marching alongside a million sisters in Washington, or when you’re protecting the waters at Standing Rock. And they won’t help either
when your toddler is having a tantrum at your local supermarket.

So often we feel stuck because we’re allowing life to simply happen around us. Maybe you feel overwhelmed because you’re just trying to squeeze as much as possible into each day.

So, why do I need a ritual then?

“We are what we repeatedly do”, says Aristotle.

Our daily actions are creating our life. It can be filled with bad habits or
with supportive routines.

“Rituals Rewire your Brain”

They remind us of our own sacredness, our desire to connect with our core, and our relationship with something bigger than ourselves.

And in times of stress you need to light yourself up, get your magic on and get your power back into that gorgeous body of yours. So you can feel it, move it, and own it!

This is where my 3 Minute Ritual comes in!

It’s simple, and I know you have done it before: it’s dancing!

Now here’s the thing, to make it a ritual instead of just a regular jitterbug you’ve got to make it sacred you’ve got to first breath. Deeply. And feel the fresh air filling you up with new energy. Release the stress with every exhale and connect your core to all that is sacred to you.

Then crank up the music, and dance like nobody’s watching!

I know it can feel a little awkward. Who cares? Be wild!
When you’re at a march, just ask your sisters to join in and when you’re at work just dance in the bathroom with your headphones on. Wherever you are, stop what you’re doing and hit play!

Dance with me! Just for one minute.

Felt great, right?! Notice how a smile has returned to your face, how your body feels energized and your mind relaxed.

The only thing left to do is sharing your smile with your sisters, someone you love or your co-workers. Your new mindset will be infectious, and your stress levels will drop like they didn’t know what hit them.

So, I would really love to see your comments below: Did you shake your ass with me?
Wild, a bit crazy or didn’t you leave your chair and just nodded your head to the tunes?
Or maybe you have a whole other ritual to deal with stress?!

Share the love, tag a Sister! <3

Mae Belteyn
Sacred Ritualist

Want more? Watch out for my coming blogs! I will share more on rituals, graceful leadership, sisterhood, and co-creation in the near future! Want personal guidance?

Check out our Lady Leaders Unleashed retreat, to completely relax and end up full of energy and new ideas!

Want to start your graceful journey with rituals? Sign up and stay in the sacred loop.

Let’s find your deepest vision, explore your highest potential and monetize your unique talents. You will change the world!

All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 2017 Mae Belteyn International


Interested in booking Mae as a speaker or ritualist at your next conference, seminar, online or live event?

New beginnings are here, are you ready?

New beginnings are here, are you ready?

A sacred place to share my rituals,
the latest news and event announcements

“Even when we really want to make new beginnings, there is always a part of us resisting to do so as if we’re making the first step towards tragedy.”

Remember when you started your first job? I was so excited, a bit nervous but so happy. For me it was a new beginning to live more… ‘grown up’. I still lived with my parents, but in a way I had to leave my comfortable position behind to step into this new life of making my own way.

Have you ever found yourself feeling ‘betwixt and between’? Well, that’s how I felt! A bit like when you pass the passport control at the airport. You’re in no-man’s land, between two worlds. It almost feels like a ritual space, where time seems to have stopped for a while.

Suddenly you got yourself a new identity; ‘traveller’ (or in the case above; ‘adolescent’), and you have to follow specific rules. Up until it’s time to fly away, full of anticipating excitement, off to your new adventure. Like travelling, making changes and starting all over can be so scary, that lots of people actually stay put rather than having to deal with the stress.
And now? I kinda feel the same. My first blog, my first personal website, and a whole new beginning starting this new international company. I’m literally writing this just a few days before the launch. Ready? No way!

But then again, one of my favorite ‘Lady Leaders’ Marie Forleo says:

“Start before you’re ready!”

I believe she’s right! We probably never be ready, especially when listening to that resisting part of us. So, I’ve found something to help you out! New beginnings are much easier to make when they are ‘ritualized’. It helps you to make transitions in a more conscious way, with a clear mind and an open heart. Ritual brings structure to your life and helps to communicate the changes you’ve made to your community. Take the beginning of this ‘Mae Belteyn-website’ for example. Next to bringing change to me, it’s also a new beginning for its readers. When marking its ‘birth’ with a Little Ritual and celebration, we truly breathe life into this project and immerse it with good vibes and positive energy.

beginnings-symbolYou can do the same to honor the transitions in your own life, like when you start your own business or projects!

So, I would LOVE to do this together! As sisters, we can partake in a ‘New Beginnings-ritual’ for all our new projects, right here and now! What we need first is to connect to each other in a Sacred Space. We can do this by using a symbol during a meditative visualization. This kinda works like a bridge. Connecting us through time and space. It’s easy! Just follow along:

Free New Beginnings Ritual

Click to download MP3

Wow! How did you like that?! I think it’s so special to do something like this together, just magical! Please share your desires, ambitions and prayers right below. Cause when you share, they’ll grow. And if you just want to wish me luck with my new bizz, or want to celebrate with me, come on over to my Facebook! That’s where I virtually hang out everyday, would love to meet you!


To new beginnings,


Mae Belteyn
Sacred Ritualist

What is Your
Graceful Leadership

24 Questions will lead to one of 4 Archetypes,
and is downloadable as a Pdf booklet 

Get your weekly inspiration here.